Channel: Carl Ocab
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Move Over AIDA, 4P’s – Break These Three Walls To Sell More Instead


Do you REALLY want to make money online?

Listen now, because this is gonna be important and life changing.

Last August 26, 2009, Carl wrote an article about how he’s got a secret: and that is Content Is Not King – it’s marketing.

It’s been about 6 years when he said that, but given that I believe what he said is true ‘till this day, this got me asking:

“How do you simplify marketing to someone who’s just starting out?”

Now, if you’re like me, I don’t want to get overwhelmed by lots of information.

Imagine a little kid who wants to learn about marketing – I bet he won’t appreciate the confusion of information overload also.

So, in this case… here’s what I’d say.

There are only three walls that prevent people from making that decision to buy from you. And those walls are:

  1. Not listen
  2. Not believe
  3. Not act

People will not listen to your message, will not believe your message, and will not act upon your message. Break these walls and you’ll be making more money online and offline with your marketing efforts easier.

This “3 walls to break principle” is the cornerstone of what I call Auto-Smash Strategy.

Literally saved my life, but that’s a story for another day.

For now, let’s look at how to break these walls:

1. Smashing the “Not Listen” wall

In order to make people listen to your message, you have to use a good “headline”.

A headline could exist in different forms depending on the advertising medium, but this is the general idea – your headline is what your audience reads or hears first in an Ad.

For example, in radio and television, your headline would be the first few spoken words in that Ad. In print, it would be the first words (usually written in bigger and bolder fonts) that your audience reads.

A simple structure of a headline would be to start with a question directed towards a problem – something like:

Still Struggling to Make Money Online?

(Followed by a benefit driven promise like:)

Discover 3 Simple Methods
to Cash-in on the Internet Craze
Within the Next 24hours

Pretty simple and straightforward, but that just works.

2. Smashing the “Not Believe” wall

People are sceptical, and that is good. If you know how to make them “believe”, then you get advantage in the market place.

Use stories. Tell specific numbers. Show pictures that paint the scenario as believable. Use testimonials. Use phrases like “believe me”. And so many more.

Just ask yourself – “what would make me believe if I was to hear this pitch?”

3. Smashing the “Not Act” wall

This is, in a sense, the “closing the sale” part. A lot of people drop the ball here – being afraid, shy, or whatever about “asking for the sale”. If your product would help people out, then do it. Simply say…

Here’s what you do next…

(then tell them what to do: buy, like, share, open, click, etc)

Easy… right?

If a long-haired work-at-home dad like me can do it, so can you:)

Forget about AIDA – because it doesn’t tell you to make people “believe”. Forget about the 4Ps… well, because literally my small brain just can’t remember what those 4Ps are.

This is pretty much what Auto-Smash Strategy is all about. This is what I’d share to someone who’s just starting out with marketing or someone suffering from information overload.

Believe me, I used Auto-Smash Strategy myself while I was just starting out as a copywriter – and it worked great as we we’re bringing in hundreds up to thousands of people in our seminars while I was working for the Philippines’ #1 Success Coach.

I hope you find value to this sharing. If you like what you’ve read…

Here’s what you do next…

Study this sales page I wrote (as of this writing, you can’t buy anything from that sales page because I haven’t launched the product yet). You’ll notice that this “piece” follows the same principle I shared to you just now – break the three walls not listen, not believe, and not act.

Check the sample page here:

(or check out Carl’s Headline Swiss-Knife Method Review)

Dexter Paglinawan

From way up high Philippines’ City of Pines

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